Thigh Muscle Pain
Some disease, fractures, muscle strains and arthritis are some of the causes of the thigh muscle pain. The inside of thigh muscle is where adductor is, the front area is where quadriceps is, and the back area is where hamstring muscle is located. These are the three parts of the thigh muscle. The pulling of the legs together is the responsibility of the adductor, while the first two parts are responsible for the Flexing and extending of the leg. Sport injuries are some of the common problems associated with pain in the inner and outer part of the thigh. There are many causes of the pain, such as fractured femur and quadriceps strain. The thigh pain can also be attributed to the diseases such as hip osteoarthritis or antithrombin deficiency.
We will see which causes of the thigh muscle pain are possible. Kicking, sprinting and jumping are some of the activities that can lead to hamstring or quadriceps tear, both of which cause the thigh pain. Hurdle jumpers and sprinters can experience muscle stains from mild to severe. The severity of the strain will determine the pain felt. This is another cause of the pain, which differs, since it can impair walking or just cause twinge in the legs. Bruising, swelling and walking inability are associated with a severe strains and thigh pain. The treatment of this problem consists of application of cold packs on the troubling location. Thigh muscle strain can be a problem to which you are predisposed due to muscle imbalance, poor conditioning and muscle fatigue. Subchondral bone and articular cartilage are some of the joints and bones that can be affected by osteoarthritis or degenerative arthritis. This creates pain and, if knee or hip is affected, it even impairs movement, and causes swelling, stiffness and other muscle pain problems. The pain we are talking about may be caused by obesity, joint injury, diabetes and hereditary factors.
Sciatica is associated with sharp tingling, shooting pain, thigh and leg cramping. Sciatic nerve becomes inflamed and this problem is created. The information is sent to the brain with the help of the sciatica nerve and this condition affects this function. Treatment of this problem consists of physical therapy, anti inflammatory medications and exercises. Osteomyelitis is an infection of the bone marrow that can cause the thigh pain. Redness, warmth, swelling, fever, leg weakness and sharp thigh muscle pain are the symptoms of this condition. Pus may be present if an open wound is created due to this problem. Skin redness, swelling and dull pain in the thigh can be caused by cancer. Pelvis, tibia, femur and arm bones can be affected by such cancers as osteosarcoma. Swelling, fever and thigh pain are associated with cancer of the middle area of the long bones. As you have seen, many factors contribute to the creation of thigh pain. If this pain is present, visit a doctor for a proper diagnosis and a proper treatment.
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