Readingequals amusement and joy
Itis not uncommon for small children to learn to read while they arestill quite young since for many this represents the mostfavorite pass times. However, the presence of certain conditionsand impairments may bring this activity, as well as readingfaculty, under a question mark. One of such ill-affecting conditionsis known under the name of hyperlexia.
Despite the fact that the children whosuffer from the condition in question are known to be gifted when itcomes to reading at a quite early age in their lives, enriched withthe utter and complete captivation with letters, symbols, and numbers, itmay prove to be something that will make their future life in asociety a bit more troublesome, to say the least. Some of the mostprominent obstacles these children are faced with later on in theirlives include different language delays accompanied by a number ofsocially related issues.
Even though there have not yet beendiscovered those most prominent culprits responsible for initiatingthe aforementioned condition/impairment, there exists a number ofquite effective methods not only to bring it under control, but also to overcome it at one point in the child's life. In order for this tobe possible there is a need of most skilled physicians, therapistsand teachers as well, so the child in question could develop andconstantly improve on his/her social and academical performanceand achievement.
What has been discovered about thechildren who suffer from this condition is that they are more of avisual type of a learner, having issues in establishing andmaintaining proper social interaction. In addition to this, suchchildren also quite often experience a number of complicationsdirectly related to perception.
The critical period
As far as the most critical period for emerging of this condition is concerned, experts state that it is the onestarting with 18 and ending in with 24 months of age. Giving a moreclear cut and distinct account, it can be said that this practicallycomes down to the child missing a phase in his/her development whenit comes to learning the proper meaning of language as such, i.e. thefirst phase is learning how to read, which is followed bylearning the meaning of the those words later on. Also, men tend to beaffected by this impairment more often than women.
Some of the more beneficialtherapeutic approaches include visual testing (for visual-spatialhyperlexia), visual therapy, visual perceptual therapy, speech andlanguage therapies.
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