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Facts and nature of thecondition

For those who are notfamiliar with it, or for those who simply seek to know more about this quiteunpleasant impairment, dyslexia assuch is a condition characterized by a hindered ability to read. Thehindrance has various underlying reasons, most of which arepathologic conditions, in direct relation to the central nervoussystem.

Peoplewho suffer from the condition in question have the tendency ofreversing the letters and the words, and they are unable to make a properand clear cut distinction between the letter sequences in writtenwords. In addition, they often experience substantial complicationsand difficulties in understanding left from right.

Whenit comes to the condition in question and its nature, a great numberof experts and speech specialists doubt the fact that thiscondition is pathological in nature. What they believe to be at the rootof it is a specific combination of reading problems that need to bedistinguished and clearly separated by way of a specific testingmethod. Those problematic factors that tend to be emphasized by theaforementioned experts most frequently involve such asimproper/poor vision, hindered hearing, emotional immaturity, absenceof proper physical development, psychic stress, as well as improperreading of instructions.


The exactcauses of dyslexia still belong to the area of the unknown, but whatis known is that it tends to befall children who are both physicallyand emotionally healthy, and who on top of it all have been brought up in healthy homeenvironments. What comes as a great surprise is that quite asubstantial number of those who suffer from this impairment otherwise have a good head-start in the sense that they attend goodschools, possess high mental ability, and they are nurtured byparents who have a good educational background. Out of this reason, it is a surprising fact that as much as 15% of American students maybe put into the category of dyslexic.

Mostfrequently occurring manifestations include hard time in learningand remembering printed words, reversal of letters (b for d, p forq), numbers (6 for 9) and letter-order change in words, leaving outand insertion of new words in the course of reading, vowel/consonantconfusion, recurring spelling errors, writing difficulties, delayedspeech etc. Thetreatment is most often based on the modification of teachingmethods, as well as the educational environment.

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