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Anorexia nervosa is a serious medical condition, to be more precise an eating disorder affecting many people around the world. People suffering from anorexia are obsessed with their weight. They gradually lose weigh and become way too skinny. Still, this is not enough for them and they continue consuming small amounts of food which eventually leads to starvation and all the accompanying health problems. It is no wander that certain number of anorexic individuals may even end up dead.

The condition is considered to origin from one's irrational expectation regarding his/her looks. Anorexic people commonly do not see themselves clearly and are disappointed with their looks all the time. The problem is actually much deeper stemming from many unresolved emotional issues.

The condition is quite severe and require multidisciplinary approach and cooperation of different medical professionals like psychiatrists, dieticians etc.

Anorexia Nervosa Treatment Options

There are several treatment options such patients may benefit from. It is essential for anorexic patients to start eating, adopt healthy diet and deal with issues that have led to the condition in the first place. Severe cases require hospitalization and correction of all imbalances in the body such as dehydration, heart rhythm disturbance, electrolyte imbalances etc.

Anorexia Nervosa Medical Care

Severe cases of anorexia must be treated in hospitals. Patients are initially fed via tubes inserted through the nose or mouth into the stomach. Correction of dehydration and electrolyte imbalances is achieved with intravenous fluids and specific solutions. After the person regains strength and starts to eat more, the diet changes and becomes rich in calories so that patients can soon restore a healthy weight. Dietary regime is prescribed by a well experienced dietician.

There are no specific drugs that can cure this eating disorder. However, patients who are additionally suffering from some underlying psychiatric or other conditions may receive specific medicamentous treatment.

Anorexia Nervosa Psychotherapy

Anorexic patients must engage in individual, family-based or group therapy. Some patients require all three approaches in order to cope with the condition.

Individual therapy is essential for dealing with the behavior and thoughts associated with the condition. Patients may boost their self-esteem and adopt positive behavior. They also learn how to cope with stress and strong feelings. Psychiatrist decides whether the person requires psychiatric hospitalization and what program he/she must participate in.

Family-based therapy has several goals. One of them is to engage the family in the process of adopting new eating habits. Family also controls patients and check whether they stick to the prescribed dietary regimes. This therapy also deals with family issues that might have led to the condition in the first place.

Finally, group therapy includes participation of many patients at the same time. They share their experience and support each other in overcoming the condition.

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