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The fertility specialists at Berkley Center for Reproductive Wellness believe that Traditional Chinese Medicine increases the odds of having a successful pregnancy. This is the first complementary medicine Center in the U.S. to specialize in the treatment of infertility. With the help of 11 years of research and analysis various treatments they do claim that a successful pregnancy is possible with a proper mixture of acupuncture, herbal medicine, and nutrition. The fertility specialists believe these methods can be used to effectively treat both male and female infertility, as well as repeated miscarriage. The incorporate the treatment options available from both Western medicine and Chinese medicine models in order to help those who suffer from primary infertility, secondary infertility and chronic miscarriage. The Berkley Center for Reproductive Wellness is the only clinic anywhere that offers a 100% no-questions-asked-money-back-guarantee.

Their mission is to help you achieve your goal of conception and full term pregnancy. The team from Berkley Wellness Clinic claims after having worked with thousands of struggling couples, they've come to realize a couple of things. Infertility is more than a physical ailment because it affects couples on a deep subconscious level, and The Berkley Center for Reproductive Wellness is concerned with both. They prescribe only natural herbal fertility medications to help you get pregnant and to help you stay pregnant. You can make an appointment by calling any of their Scheduling Coordinators at 212-685-0985.

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