Hatha yoga is one among the many yoga systems introduced by a yogic sage in the 15th century in India. Hatha yoga is the most commonly practiced type of yoga, especially in the western world. This is what the most of us refer to when using the name yoga. The word Hatha comes from Sanskrit language where ha means “the sun”, while the word “tha” means “moon”. Translated into the English language, Hatha yoga is best described as a practice that unites the opposites into the harmony. Hatha yoga is practiced to achieve the balance between the body and the mind, and reach higher levels of consciousness.
Hatha yoga exercises
Hatha yoga training consists of typical postures, also known as Ashanas, different breathing techniques, also known as Pranayama, and meditation.
The postures are carefully designed to improve health and prevent diseases. In the certain positions, the blood flow temporarily slows down, only to be released again in another position. This way, one can literally perform the internal massage of the organs, improving their function and preventing degenerative diseases. The breath control can help to set free the hidden energies inside the body, while relaxing the muscles, soothing the mind, providing a fantastic way to manage the everyday stress.
Benefits of Hatha yoga
The practice of Hatha yoga grants the practitioner muscle flexibility and bone strength, accompanied with the feeling of prolonged relaxation, improved concentration and will power. Hatha yoga practitioners believe these postures can open up the energy channels letting the vital energy flow undisturbed all through the body. Massaging and toning the internal organs can prevent diseases such as diabetes, arthritis and hypertension.
Following the regular Hatha yoga exercise, practitioners may experience drastic positive changes in their blood pressure levels. Their cardiovascular efficiency will typically increase, as the blood circulation improves. Musculoskeletal system will enjoy the benefit of flexibility while the joint range of motion increases. Practitioners will build up strength, endurance and overall energy levels. Their sleep will normally improve, and their weight will normalize.
Many Hatha yoga practitioners will notice their mood is drastically improved, together with their subjective feeling of wellbeing. Anxiety and depression will certainly decrease, and the mood will improve to a great extent. Other psychological benefits include improvements in the memory, better learning efficiency, improved attention and very good concentration.
According to some studies, Hatha yoga can even have some biochemical benefits including the stabilizing levels of glucose, sodium and bad cholesterol. HDL, also known as good cholesterol, will typically increase following the regular Hatha yoga treatment.
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