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Zinc is a mineral that is essential for the cell growth in the human body. It is involved in various functions regarding, the metabolism, insulin activity, good function of the immune system, resistance to infections, physical growth; in short, it is essential for the whole body system to work and function healthy and properly.
The average amount of zinc in a human body is about 2 or 3 g.. But, since our body does not store it like some other minerals, we should make sure that our body gets sufficient amounts of it on a daily basis. We get zinc from high-protein foods, including dairy products, seeds and cereals, poultry and read meat, or through supplements. When choosing supplements, one should consult a doctor for his opinion, because too much of this mineral can also be harmful to our health, causing nausea, stomachaches and copper deficiency.
The highest concentration of this mineral can be found in the muscles, but it is important to mention that, despite the fact that it is necessary for the whole body, men, actually, need it much more than women. The reason for this is the fact that the concentration of zinc is much, higher in male semen than in their blood. That is why the recommended amount of it for an adult man is some 30% higher than the amount which is recommended for an adult woman.
Many diets have a shortage of zinc, and there are numerous symptoms which can easily confirm that. But, when it comes to men, despite the usual symptoms such as hair loss, slow wound healing, white spots under the fingernails, allergies, weaken immune system, skin problems etc., one of the symptoms that may also indicate the deficiency of zinc, is a problem with fertility. This is probably one of the most serious male problems caused by zinc deficiency, since the health of their prostate gland is directly related to this mineral (which actually protects it from cancer), and all the aspects of male reproduction depend on it as well, while the shortage of it may reflect in a low sperm count and loss of libido.
Aware of its importance on their health or not, the fact is that more than a half of the male population does not take even the minimal daily amount of zinc, which is approximately 12-15 mg per day.
Eventually, it will probably have damaging effects on their health, and on their hormonal balance and prostate function.

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