Every mother and herbaby face with teeth growing somewhere between baby’s third month and secondyear. It is not rare that mothers worry about late or early start of teething but we must emphasize that it is an individual process and every toddler hasits own rhythm of teething. This is often a painful process for every toddlerand there will be many sleepless nights before it ends.
The schedule of teethgrowing
The first teeth appearsomewhere between the third and sixth month, and these teeth are the frontteeth. When a baby is six months old molars come out, and a couple of monthsbefore the first teeth appear a baby will experience pain in gums. Its gumsbecome swollen and hard and they are aching. Molars can bring the most pain,because the breath of the back teeth causes pressure and pain in the gums. Athree years old toddler is supposed to have 20 teeth and the process ofteething should have been finished by then.
Baby’s behavior duringteething
Baby and toddler in thisdelicate process are cranky and at general discomfort. If you are dealing with 20-month-oldchild, you should be prepared to everything. You have to ease the pain of thetoddler with home remedies and prevent the possible illness. Child at this ageis very much annoyed and can refuse to eat, cry non-stop, have restless nights,and behave in similar ways which will make him liable to infections. The mostcommon one is an ear infection. At this age a child is helpless and you as aparent need to do everything in your power so that a child overcomes teethingin the easier way.
If you have dilemmaweather your child is experiencing a teething pain or an ear infection, youshould have to know that an ear infection gets worse by every day and gum paindecreases. Another symptom that follows the ear infection is fever whichis increasing by hour. A teething may also develop a fever, but usually it is alow fever. If you cannot distinguish if it is a teething or an infection it isrecommended to visit a pediatrician. Some advice that willhelp you to ease the child's pain in the mouth is to give them some coldfood like pudding or cold mashed bananas. You can also put some pressure or rubthe gums of your child. If you child likes this, then you should let it chewteething ring or a cold carrot. Popsicles may help as well but if you don’tlike your child eating so much sugar you can make your own tea from herbs. We hope that thisarticle will help you to understand the process of teething.
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