The Miracle of Teething
Once you are blessed by getting a child, you know that there is a long way in front of you, regarding its growth and overall health. Numerous changes are going to affect your baby as it grows larger and through many of these, your child will need your help and support. One of the first changes of this type is teething. Namely, your child is bound to get its first teeth when 6 months old. Firstly, the bottom front grow, followed by the upper front and all the others later. This process can be irritating and even painful for the child. Moreover, this phenomenon gives birth to the risk of developing dental problems as well. Thus, you, as a proud parent are supposed to make sure that your child goes through this period as painlessly as possible.
Tips and Tricks Once Your Baby isTeething
As far as specific requisites for these purposes are concerned, it is best to avoid teething cookies and other types of food supposedly made for this period of your child's life. Rather, classic, chilled teething ring or a simple piece of cloth may prove to be quite enough. Alternatively, you may check the nearest drugstore for any additional over-the-counter teething ointments, gels or tablets. Nevertheless, it is best to ask a doctor for an opinion before treating your child with these.
Childhood Teeth Deterioration
Since the first moment these little teeth go out, they are subjected to constant decay which starts from their upper parts and spreads to the rest of their surface. This happens due to exposure to bacteria which attack the teeth. In order to prevent this from happening you may want to wipe your child's teeth with a soft cloth regularly. Alternatively you may use soft, baby toothbrushes as well. A single cleaning a day will be enough and you should perform it right after the final feeding session.
As for your bacteria, which is probably the same one which causes your child's teeth decay, you are to prevent it from doing this. Thus, do not share toothbrushes with your child and do not test your child's food with the same spoon it is supposed to eat from. Finally, once your child is one year old, you may take him or her to regular visits to the dentist.
What To Use For Teeth Protection?
Most dentists will agree that a fluoride-based toothpaste is the best choice once brushing teeth is concerned. So, make sure your child's toothpaste consists of this ingredient as well.
Secondly, you need to take good care of your child's diet. Namely, many food your child consumes, including milk, formula, juices, and others, all contain large amounts of sugar, capable of causing teeth decay quickly. Therefore, be careful when you give these to your child and keep its teeth clean afterwards. Finally, instead of leaving your child with a bottle of milk while sleeping, it is best to use soothers for these purposes.
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