What cancause shoulder pain?
Arthritisis one of the possible causes of shoulder pain. Should a joint become inflamed,sore, swollen and stiff, chances are that they might suffer from arthritis.When the shoulder is affected by arthritis, aside from the mentioned symptomsthat apply to it, the inability to move the shoulder properly is another, asare redness and warmth of the area.
Another waythat may lead to shoulder pain is if one sustains an injury during some kind ofphysical activity or while doing sports. This is usually due to the lack ofproper warm up and cooling down. The intensity of the pain depends on how seriousthe injury is. Aside from the pain, the affected shoulder may also go throughswelling, reduced arm mobility and finally, it may even end up dislocated.
If thedislocation does occur and the shoulder ends up displaced from its normalposition, one needn’t worry whether they will accurately recognize thecondition, as the injury will be quite visible. The shoulder will be extremelybruised and the pain is always pretty sharp, no matter how serious thedislocation truly is.
Finally,the reason for the pain in the shoulder can be the condition called myofascialpain syndrome. Basically, having this condition is synonymous with experiencingmuscle pain. Therefore, it means that any kind of injury to the muscle orligament, like a sprain or stretching. The pain that this injury entails may aswell be regarded as chronic because it persists for a very long time. Themuscles and the entire shoulder area are stiff and sore and very sensitive totouch.
What to dowhen experiencing shoulder pain?
Unless, thepain is very severe and the injury looks quite serious from the start, one needn’tvisit the doctor straight away. Amoderate injury like a sprain or bruising is can easily be taken care of withsome home care, like applying ice packs and cold compresses and restricting themovement in order to give the hand some time to heal.
However, ifthe pain persists and the shoulder doesn’t appear to at least begin the healingprocess, seeking medical attention is quite necessary. Sometimes the issue willbe treated with some painkillers, while other times it may require physicaltherapy.
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