Over 7,000 people in UK are having leukaemia today. Leukaemia strikes adults and children just the same. Leukaemia is usual form of cancer with children. Diagnosis is in most cases based on repeated complete blood counts and examination of a bone marrow, by symptoms observed. A lymph node biopsy diagnoses certain types of leukaemia according to certain situations. Following diagnosis, blood chemistry tests validates degree of liver and kidney damage or damage due to chemotherapy on the patient.
With any visible damage due to leukaemia, doctors may use an MRI, X-ray, ultrasound in order to view leukaemia’s effects on affected body parts as bones (X-ray) or the brain (MRI), or the kidneys, spleen, and liver (ultrasound), and CT scans that sometimes are used to look for lymph nodes in the chest.
Bone marrow produces white blood cells (myeloid cells and lymphocytes). The bone marrow is spongy centre of human bones. Immune system uses blood cells to fight against infection and viruses. A white blood cells cancer is leukaemia, and leukaemia prevents white blood cells to develop properly.
Instead bone marrows reproduce white cells without any control, so any normal blood cells can not produce platelets, red blood cells and white blood cells as it is required. This means that body may be able to fight less against the infections and person may develop anaemia or bruise and bleed abnormally.
Leukaemias Types
There are few types of leukaemia and are classified by what type of white cells are attacking. There is an acute and chronic leukaemia.
-Acute leukaemia symptoms shows up very fast and it may become deadly even in early stage, but can be treated. Children are more sustainable to acute leukaemia, because disease strikes on lymphocytes and therefore it is called ALL the lymphoblastic leukaemia: it affects ages 2 to 10 years old. While AML the acute leukaemia of myeloid cells strikes on adults.
-Chronic leukaemia brings on symptoms slowly and white blood cells are fully developed once they exit bone marrow and enter bloodstream. CML - chronic myeloid leukaemia has 2 stages that may last for 7 years so because symptoms grow very slowly. The second stage of the condition is devastating phase and it is called accelerated phase because symptom accelerate quickly. CLL strikes on lymphocytes and affect age 30 to 60.
Symptoms are different and classified the type of leukaemia by the exact. Symptoms with a chronic leukaemia of course do not show in early phase. The symptoms may show up and increase the worse state with common flu. The symptoms of leukaemia are:
pale skinfatigueshort of breath because of anaemiainfectionsfever with high temperaturenodes lymph that get swollen joint or bone painunusual bleeding and bruisesa petechial rashenlarged spleen symptomsno appetiteswollen testicles or gumsskin that itcheseye problems and possible headachepossible painful erection with men
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