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It is the name for the broken down fat cells. In the case when a body is unable to use carbohydrates as the source of energy, it starts to break down the fat in order to supply itself with necessary energy. For many people, this may sound very good for the weight of loss. Unfortunately, it is not a good thing because when the body begins to use fat as the source of energy, it means that the organism is in the starvation mode, or that the person suffers from diabetes. One of the signs of the presence of ketones in urine is the oddly sweet smell of breath and urine.

When a person suffers from diabetes, the body is unable to use glucose for carbohydrates; therefore, it breaks down the fat. Ketones may enter the bloodstream, and too many ketones in the blood are a medical condition called acidosis. If acidosis is not treated, it may cause even death. There exist newer home blood sugar meters which, apart from measuring blood sugar, can also measure ketone levels in the blood. Home urine tests to measure ketones are also obtainable. One of the most accurate methods for measuring ketones is the blood test. People who suffer from diabetes should do it each time when some of the symptoms appear. For instance, when abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting appear as the symptoms of this condition, a person should do the blood tests.

Causes of ketones in urine

There are many causes for the occurrence of ketones in urine. Some of the causes for this incidence are several medical conditions, such as hyperthyroidism, anorexia, uncontrolled diabetes, and glycogen storage disease as well as lactation and pregnancy. Furthermore, fever, burns, frequent vomiting and dyhadtration may cause the appearance of ketones in urine. In some patients, this happens because of low carbohydrate diets, high protein diets or starvation.

Symptoms of ketones in urine

The symptoms of this condition are very similar to the symptoms of high blood sugar. Sometimes, they may indicate that the person suffers from diabetic ketoacidosis. Diabetic ketoacidos is a very serious and life-threatening disease if left untreated. On the other side, the most commonly used method for measuring ketones in urine is a urine test, even though it is not as accurate and precise as a blood test. A urine test is usually done to check a person who is on a low-carbohydrate diet, or to check a pregnant woman who suffers from diabetes or gestational diabetes.

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