When we arrive at certain age, some things are almost inevitable. Though it is still not that population overwhelming, dementia is one of those conditions which can have rather serious consequences. From a bookworm perspective, it is a condition which is characterized by the decline of reasoning, memory and various other mental abilities (cognitive functions primarily). Long lasting consequences of this impairment are related to the inability to accomplish every day tasks and activities with success, starting from the simple and usual household chores and shopping for groceries, to those a bit more serious such as driving, and even some personally related ones as dressing, bathing and feeding.
This condition is most common in people who have reached the autumn of their lives. Interestingly enough, the term commonly used for it in the past was senility considered to be a normal part of aging. But what we have learned up till the present day is that it is actually quite the opposite of normal in nature. Many underlying medical conditions cause it. In certainly cases and it can be reversed with the help of a particular medical treatment therapy, whereas in other it is unfortunately permanent.
The statistics show that about 4-5 millions of Americans are suffering from some kind of dementia, and further rise in that number is expected in the years to come. Despite the fact that most of the people suffering from dementia remain fully conscious, short-term and long-term memory loss is a frequent occurrence, usually followed by the decline in some or all areas of intellectual functioning. All of the most common problems occur mostly due to a less serious condition, which involves slowing of mental processes with age.
One of the diseases, closely related to dementia is of course the Alzheimer’s disease, which together with other forms of dementia, causes many problems. People suffering from this condition tend to forget things and are rarely, able to remember them; they tend to forget simple words or even use the wrong ones, thus making it very difficult for the people around them to understand their intentions and needs. It is not rare that these people get lost in their own neighborhood, and even in their own street, forgetting how they got there and their way back; they often misplace things, and then are unable to find them again. Other most common problems they experience are personality changes, and loss ofinitiative.
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