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Dementia is a term used for describing numerous conditions related to memory loss and many other symptoms. Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia are just two of the most common types. When people become older than 65, every 20th individual will end up with some form of dementia. Younger people may be affected too, even though these cases are rare. Regardless of the impairment dementia goes hand-in-hand with, most individuals suffering from this condition live in their own homes. So far, the reasons behind dementia remain a medical mystery, even though genetic factors are suspected in certain cases.

Manifestations of Dementia

Dementia commonly manifests through memory loss, confusion, troubles with thinking and making decisions, impairment regarding everyday skills and lifestyle necessities and changes in communication with others.

These problems usually start appearing mildly, only to escalate in time. Thus, initially, people with an oncoming dementia may express problems when it comes to finding certain words or signs. Yet, in time, the difficulties may escalate, leading to conditions where demented people stop using language altogether and reach a permanent stage of utter confusion, incapable of functioning properly.

Dementia triggers countless different losses which may make people consider demented individuals as completely lost per se. However, this is a false attitude since people overwhelmed by dementia are trapped within their condition, giving their best to understand and get in touch with others, feeling, wanting, yearning and hoping, fighting an unbeatable enemy.

Facts about Dementia

Demented people experience this condition in an individual way, every man/woman for him/herself. Thus, their personalities, characteristics, history and general health may influence this perception. Also, the attitudes of the surrounding society influence their condition to a great extent. Namely, these people need care, understanding and support more than ever.

People with dementia find their condition frustrating and troublesome. They feel that their communication is getting gradually worse and this makes them nervous and discouraged. Nevertheless, they need to communicate with others in order to function properly since this is one of the most crucial factors of human existence. So, people close to the demented person need to help him/her maintain communication by adapting to his/her needs. Contrary to popular beliefs and attitudes, these people do not demand your excessive attention of sacrifice. Sometimes, a mere touch or a smile may be more than enough to give them strength and reassurance.

Do not cast demented individuals out. Rather, give your best to involve them into the communication as much as you can. When people suffering from dementia get excluded from social circles, they tend to move into seclusion more and more, losing their grip on reality and life itself. Thus, give your best to keep them around.

Hearing loss may take place hand-in-hand with dementia, making the whole condition much worse. Then, these individual will need all the support and help you can give. Being incapable of hearing what others are saying, along with having troubles remembering facts can make one feel terrible, lonely and confused. Help these people feel accepted and understood by offering a positive attitude and a helping hand in every respect.

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