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Ringing in the ears, medically known as tinnitus, can significantly damage one's life. Permanent ringing can interfere with everyday activities. One may not be able to focus on work, driving, and so on. This is the reason why the cause of tinnitus has to be found as soon as possible. The appropriate treatment will help the patients, and they will return to their normal lives.

Treatment options for tinnitus are numerous. This depends on the actual cause of ringing in the ears. There is a variety of medications available, and some people may benefit from electrical stimulation or psychological therapy. The best solution is chosen according to the underlying cause.

However, the majority of patients are most familiar with the following treatment modalities: surgery, natural home remedies, and hypnosis. It is best if the patients start with less invasive treatments such as lifestyle changes and medicamentous therapy, and if these are not effective, patients may undergo invasive methods such as surgery.

Natural remedies may be rather efficient in eradicating tinnitus. However, they do not work for all patients. Hypnosis, on the other hand, can be effective only in those suffering from ringing in the ears caused by certain psychological problems. The surgery is, therefore, the last resort, and it focuses on the repair of structural changes or impaired function of the hearing organs.

Tinnitus, a profoundly widespread auditory disorder, is characterized by the perception of sound in the absence of external stimulation. The aim of this work is to review the various surgical treatment options for tinnitus, targeting the various disruption sites along the auditory pathway, as well as to indicate novel neuromodulatory techniques as a mode of tinnitus control.
  • Tinnitus affects approximately 35 to 50 million Americans every day, with 2 to 3 million Americans severely disabled by the disorder. Though there are a wide variety of surgical treatment options, tinnitus remains a very difficult disorder to treat. Many patients continue to live with persistent unbearable symptoms that are often debilitating and destructive to their daily quality of life.
  • A comprehensive analysis was conducted on published clinical and basic neuroscience research examining the pathophysiology and treatment options of tinnitus.
  • Stereotactic radiosurgery methods and microvascular decompressions are indicated for tinnitus caused by underlying pathologies such as vestibular schwannomas or neurovascular conflicts of the vestibulocochlear nerve at the level of the brainstem. However, subsequent hearing loss and secondary tinnitus may occur. In patients with subjective tinnitus and concomitant sensorineural hearing loss, cochlear implantation is indicated. Surgical ablation of the cochlea, vestibulocochlear nerve, or dorsal cochlear nucleus, though previously suggested in earlier literature as viable treatment options for tinnitus, has been shown to be ineffective and contraindicated.
  • Recently, emerging research has shown the neuromodulatory capacity of the somatosensory system at the level of the trigeminal nerve on the auditory pathway through its inputs at various nuclei in the central auditory pathway.
✓ Fact confirmed: Surgical approaches to tinnitus treatment: A review and novel approaches Teo Soleymani, David Pieton, Patrick Pezeshkian, Patrick Miller, Alessandra A. Gorgulho, Nader Pouratian, and Antonio A.F. De Salles; 2011 Oct 29.

Treatment of Objective Tinnitus

Ringing in the ears is not the only symptom of tinnitus. Namely, objective tinnitus can also feature buzzing and screeching sounds, cracking or clicking. If these problems persist, the patient is due to visit a hearing specialist who will perform a thorough examination and find the actual cause. The treatment will be prescribed according to the cause.

Surgery for Subjective Tinnitus

If the sound that is bothering a patient cannot be detected with certain tests and examination tinnitus is classified as subjective. The underlying cause may not be physical. In this case, a patient should consult the surgeon, and the surgeon will recommend the appropriate approach in possibly dealing with the problem.

The damage can be caused by prolonged exposure to loud music or chronic professional exposure to noise. Even certain medications can cause ringing in the ears. One procedure that may be helpful is insertion of an electrode into the ear. Electrode may be efficient in the reduction of sound. Sometimes, it can even eliminate the irritating sound completely.

Surgery is also performed if a tumor causes pressure on the acoustic nerve. This way, after the tumor has been removed, the patient will not suffer from ringing in the ears.

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