Buzzing in the ears is in medical terms known as tinnitus. It can affect your hearing, but many patients also found this problem to be extremely irritating, causing headaches and affecting their everyday activities. There are several possible causes of tinnitus. This problem is mostly caused by some problem with your outer, middle or inner ear, but it can also be provoked by certain medications or some other medical condition of each individual patient. Abnormal function of the brain is yet another explanation for tinnitus, as well as some stressful or traumatic occasions.
Tinnitus Causes
Inner ear problems are the most common cause of tinnitus. The damage of the inner ear is usually provoked by loud noises coming from the surrounding, either by listening loud music or working in noisy environment. Other times, some head injuries and surgeries, as well as certain infections can be blamed for inner ear damage and ringing noise.
Bone and eardrum infections and diseases can cause middle ear problems and lead to constant ringing in the ears. Allergy problems and sinus issues are also associated with tinnitus in at least some of the patients.
Accumulation of the earwax or any other material in the outer part of the ear can block external sounds to the ear. This problem is not confirmed to cause tinnitus but it is known to aggravate already existing problem.
Traumatic events can be causes of ringing in the ears and many times, you will hear or read about the SPADE effects to the hearing. This is abbreviation for Stress, Panic disorder, Anxiety, Depression and Emotional elements, since all of these may affect the hearing and lead to tinnitus.
Some medications are also known to cause tinnitus. This is true for antibiotics, antiviral and analgesic medications, but also for some antidepressants. Drugs used to treat cancers (chemotherapy) may have ringing in the ears as the side effect.
Tinnitus Treatment
About 80 to 90% of the patients suffering from tinnitus can at least decrease the ringing in their ears using some of the available treatments. The first step is to determine the cause of the problem and the best way to do so is to visit your doctor. He will perform different tests and be able to determine the cause of the problem and suggest appropriate treatment for it.
Problems with the outer and middle ear can be easily resolved, removing the obstacles in the ear, either physically when it comes to earwax or with drugs or surgery if necessary.
Inner ear damage to the cochlea can be permanent, but these patients could use some hearing devices or surgery. Some even suggest certain natural remedies as the solution.
If you happen to be diagnosed with tinnitus caused by SPADE, you need to relax and the problem will go away. Try listening to some relaxing music, acupuncture or yoga for this purpose. Some patients might be prescribed anti-anxiety or antidepressant medications.
- medlineplus.gov/tinnitus.html
- www.nhs.uk/conditions/tinnitus/
- Photo courtesy of erik forsberg by Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/15511507@N00/5604046056/
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