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What are Stem Cells?

Scientific studies have shown that the human body owns a unique form of reserves - stem cells with the purpose of restoring the damaged tissue. Stem cells are basic cells that develop in all types of cells, such as heart muscle cells, red blood cells and skin cells, during embryonic development. These cells repair damaged tissue at later stages of life. Stem cells exist in many types of tissue, and their highest concentration is in the bone marrow and blood.

But, these cells lose their vitality and their effect is weaker over time. Because of that, experts have found a way to preserve the vitality of these cells which are so important. Namely, scientists and doctors have discovered that a large number of stem cells is present in the newborn umbilical cord. These cells are extremely young and vital, and the process of their taking is very easy and safe.

And, the most important is that they can be frozen by special techniques to be used later in the treatment of the donor or someone else. Cells, that are pulled out from the umbilical cord and stored by using special cryomethod, will soon be able to save the lives of millions of people around the world.

Scientists have found that as many as four generations of one family can be treated with stem cells of the newborn.

Complete testing of stem cells is done already in the pregnancy to determine whether there is infection - hepatitis B and C, syphilis, HIV, and more. After all analysis, viability of cells is tested and after that the cells are frozen. These cells are stored in cryogenic conditions at minus 196 °C in the gaseous phase of liquid nitrogen. They can last forever by saving on this way.

Health Benefits

Now it is possible to cure 75 major and recently incurable diseases (malignant diseases, congenital disorders) with the stem cells help.One research has confirmed that only one stem cell is sufficient to create a new liver, skin, neurons or pancreas.

Stem cells are very helpful in treating leukemia and other blood, metabolism, and immunity disorders.

Their use has already been recorded in the regeneration of damaged heart tissue after a heart attack, treatment of multiple sclerosis and can be seen as an opportunity to disabled people to walk again.

In addition, the scientists have been examing the application of stem cells in treating neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease and other neurological diseases.

It should be noted that bone marrow stem cells have been used for more than 30 years in the treatment of cancer - in patients with leukemia and tumors of the lymphatic system.

There is a fact that stem cells are almost miracles. The Korean team of scientists injected stem cells into the patient, who has been paralyzed for 19 years due to spine physical injury. Today, according to official medical reports, she can walk normally.

Besides that, stem cells could promote the creation of red blood cells, solve the problem of blindness, absence of teeth and hair loss, and stimulate growth in the future.

Stem cells could also be used for producing whole body organs such as the liver, kidneys, eyes, heart, and even parts of the brain. However, these aspirations are still on the theoretical level, representing a major challenge for scientists.

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