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Meditation is a kind of alternative therapy, which requiresthat the mind is trained so that certain things could be realized. There aremore than a few types of it, and each of them has its own effects, which is whythe same person can use different types of meditation for various purposes andat different time, depending on the circumstances and occasion.

Types of meditation

Breath watching is a type of meditation that actuallyconsists of simple paying attention to the breathing. The person only has tofind a comfortable position, close eyes and relax. What follows is focusing on breathing,and it is necessary to breathe through the nose because in that way the oxygencan reach even the bottom of the lungs. Several minutes of doing this will beenough for a person to feel better.

Empty mind meditation is another, a bit more difficult typeof meditation, because people usually find it hard to empty their mind from allthoughts. However, it might help to sit still with the legs crossed, although this type definitely requires more effort than the previous one.

Walking meditation is a type that involves the body. It isperformed either outside or in a room and the attention should be focused onthe leg movement and breathing while walking, as well as to how it feels whenthe feet touch the ground. The mind should not be allowed to wander, whichmight also be a bit more demanding.

Mindfulness meditation requires that the person in questionbecomes deeply aware of everything that happens around at that particularmoment. A good way to start is to watch the breath and gradually shift theattention to the thoughts that are present in one’s mind at that moment, aswell as sensations and sounds. However, judging and analyzing is not allowed,which is a tricky part, because people can find it hard to resist.

Simple mantra meditation is characterized by the use of aparticular word or phrase, which a person in question keeps repeating while meditating.The mantra can be repeated either in one’s mind, or aloud, and it helps in betterconcentrating and preventing the mind to wander.

Meditation on a concept requires some idea or scenario tocontemplate on, and it has the purpose to help people understand some thingsbetter. For example, meditation on impermanence requires focusing onimpermanent nature of everything, things, feelings, thoughts.

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