Introduction to the liver
The liver is one of the most vital organs of the human body and it is situated in the abdomen. It works at regulating the blood volumes, blood clotting and blood purification, as well as producing bile and metabolizing far and sugar.
The liver is vital for growth, immunization, nutrition and reproduction, so any problems with the organ need to be taken very seriously.
Liver problems need to be diagnosed immediately in order to be treated properly, so it is very important for a person to know and recognize the early signs of liver problems.
If these symptoms are neglected, the problems can get a lot worse and lead to very serious complications and health problems that can not be reversed, such as cirrhosis or cancer of the liver, which inevitably lead to complete liver failure.
When a person is having liver problems they will notice that their nails start to cure and take up a whitish color.
Jaundice of the skin and eyes is another symptom. When jaundice occurs, the skin and eyes will turn yellow in color and the urine will be darker.
Irritable bowel movements can also be a sign of liver problems, which will be accompanied by light-colored stools.
Excessive urination, nose bleeds, getting bruised very easily and slow blood clotting are other telltale signs of liver problems.
Liver diseases can also be accompanied by chest pain, headaches, fevers, dizziness, spasms and even depression.
People who have liver problems tend to lose their appetites and could vomit a lot and frequently feel nauseous. They will sometimes lose weight drastically because of this.
A person with a liver problem could also notice swelling in the abdomen, pain in that region of the body, problems breathing, lumps in the abdominal region and swelling under the right lower ribs.
People who abuse alcohol frequently are likely to have liver problems. Alcohol is toxic to the liver cells and causes an inflammation of the organ that is usually referred to as hepatitis. When a person is abusing alcohol chronically, there will be a fatty accumulation occurring in the liver cells which will causes these cells to malfunction.
Chronic exposure to medications and drugs can also cause liver damage and diseases. Medications and drugs can cause liver injuries if used excessively, but there are also medications that can cause damage to the liver even when taken in the prescribed dosages, so it is best to consult a doctor before taking any kind of medication.
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