Zopiclone and effects
Zopiclone is a hypnotic medicine used for treating insomnia. It belongs to the group of non-benzodiazepine medications. Zopiclone stimulates the neurotransmitter GABA which helps relax the nerves. Tense and active nerves disturb sleeping and make a person feel anxious and irritable. In order to calm them down neurotransmitter GABA is released which greatly improves sleeping. Insomnia is not only about having difficulties to fall asleep, waking up during the night or early in the morning, restless sleep are all the symptoms of insomnia. Due to its relaxing effect Zopiclone makes the person sleepy and enhances the sleep quality.
Since it is a sleep-inducing drug and has a sedative effect, it is not recommendable to drive a car or operate machines after taking it. The medicine should be taken before sleeping time. A doctor prescribes the medicine and directs the patient on its use. The patient has to stick to the recommended doses because Zopiclone have addictive potential if taken more than necessary. This is also the reason why it is not for use longer than four weeks. A sudden stop with the medicine may sometimes result in headaches, agitation and slight trembling. Children and pregnant women are not supposed to take the medicine. Zopiclone impacts the breast milk, therefore, the women who breastfeed are not advised to use it. Since zopiclone causes unsteadiness and balance problems, elderly people should avoid taking it. Patients suffering from liver or kidney diseases, respiratory conditions cannot take this medicine. A number of patients experienced sleepwalking. People who have previously had allergic reactions to the ingredients of this medicine cannot use zopiclone. Should any allergic reactions occur, consult the doctor. Do not drink alcohol with zopiclone because the effect of both alcohol and zopiclone is increased.
Side effects
The medicine induces daytime drowsiness at the beginning of the treatment. Drowsiness slowly decreases when the body becomes adjusted to the medicine. Dryness of the mouth and the bitter taste in the mouth are common side effects. Since the medicine affects the nervous system, it induces nightmares, behavioral disorders and even hallucinations. A person is prone to depression and irritability and his concentration and memory can be impaired. The side effects may be aggressiveness and mood changes. A person can feel without energy and sedated. Gastrointestinal reactions are constipation or diarrhea, vomiting and stomach cramps. A person may have tingling sensation in arms and legs and skin rashes. Double and blurred vision has been noted too.
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