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Gastrointestinal side effects include a sensation of metallic taste, nausea, anorexia, dyspepsia/cramps/epigastria discomfort, vomiting, constipation, tongue discoloration, stomatitis, diarrhea, decreased appetite, and flatulence. Also, there were rare cases of furry tongue and pharyngitis.
The side effects to the nervous system involved weakness, fatigue, dizziness, convulsions, transient peripheral neuropathy, vertigo, ataxia, giddiness, insomnia, and drowsiness.
Mutagen city was reported as an ontological side effect, strictly related to animal studies. Tinidazole turned up positive for genotoxicity.
Only a few hepatic side effects are accounted for, however. Those include transaminase and one report of possible hepatitis. This case was reported in a girl who received 625 mg of tinidazole. The dosage was administered orally, as part of treatment for giardia. Six days after the taking this dose, the patient was returned to the hospital with three-day long ankle swellings. The swellings were progressive in nature. The girl was diagnosed with weight gain, marked edema of legs, per orbital edema, abdominal distension, and an ejection flow murmur. In addition, the liver was palpable six cm below the right coastal margin; there was no palpable spleen and evidence of as cites was present.
A chest X-ray, an abdominal X-ray and an electro diagram were performed, but they revealed no abnormal behavior. Hepatic A, hepatitis B, leptospirosis, cytomegalovirus, and Epstein-Barr virus were also discarded upon receiving the respective test results. No known contact with infectious hepatitis was observed. The patient received treatment involving consisting of potassium and spironolactone intake. There was no report of jaundice appearance. Normal levels of serum electrolyte and all laboratory tests had reverted to normal levels two weeks later.
Musculoskeletal side effects included arthralgias, myalgias, and arthritis.
There were cases of hypersensitivity reported. These included symptoms such as urticaria, pruritus, rash, flushing, sweating, and dryness of mouth, fever, burning sensation, thirst, salivation, and angioedema. During the initial and subsequent exposure to tinidazole, there were reports of sever hypersensitivity reactions. This markedly took place during the postmarketing experience.
Hypersensitivity was reported in ten patients with manifestations appearing the same day they applied the tinidazole. Nine of them were adults; one was a five year-old girl. The characteristics of these reactions involved a facial, periorbital, or laryngeal edema, hypotension, bronchospasm, and dyspnea. All patients experienced a full recovery, however, devoid of additional complications.
There are more, usually transient, side effects pertaining to the following systems: renal, cardiovascular, hematologic, genitourinary, and respiratory. There are also passive side effects in psychiatric, dermatological and other, more general fields of expertise.

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