Medication called picolax will be the focus of this text, which will cover the general information about this medication and some of the side effects that sometimes accompany it. Osmotic laxatives are a group of the medications that picolax is a part of. If you use this medication, it will cause the water to fill in the lower bowel, which will produce the water content increase and also the increase of the stool's size. It will lead to a stool that will be much smoother and easier to pass. This medication is used before procedures that need empty bowels, and it is important to remember to take a lot of fluid if you use this medication. The effect of cleaning the bowel should last less than 24 hours and remember to expect liquid and frequent stools.
Do not use this medication if you have gut blockage, large intestine expansion or severely impaired functioning of the kidneys. Use this medication with caution if you have high amount of magnesium in the bloodstream, low levels of potassium in the blood, and inflammatory bowel disease. Remember that some of the ingredients of this medication can cause allergic reaction, so, naturally, you cannot take this medication if you are allergic to some of them.
Breastfeeding and pregnancy
While some medications are safe to be used during pregnancy, some must be avoided. There are also the situations in which certain medications need to be used because of the baby. Always talk to your doctors about the medication you are about to start using, and always inform them if you are pregnant. The use of this medication does not produce any effect on the milk, while pregnant women should use picolax withcare.
Side effects
Medication named picolax can have some unwanted effects, just like any other medication in the market. Medications create different effect on different people, so while some may not develop side effects, other will. Some of the most common side effects of picolax are nausea, anus pain, diarrhea, headache, seizures, colic pain, vomiting, tiredness, low levels of sodium in the bloodstream and allergic reaction. These are the most common ones, but there may be other possible side effects as well.
Before using any medication, you should visit the doctor for consultation or at least read the instructions, since they should contain valuable information, especially regarding the side effects which can come from the use of it. This medication can bring some reactions if used with other medications. For example, it can reduce the effect of Bulk-forming laxatives. Picolax is not advised to take during other treatments. Also, patients who use medications for decreasing the levels of potassium in the bloodstream should be careful when using picolax.
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