If you start working out after some time you will definitely discover that your breathing becomes difficult. It is a normal physiological process and it just show you’re not fit at the moment. In fact, even the people who are fit have the same problem after the hard training. The difference is that fit people experience shortness of breath after the physical exertion, and unfit during the exercise.
Shortness of breath is actually a consequence, since your lungs don’t get enough oxygen or don’t expel adequate amount of carbon dioxide. If you experience this problem on the regular basis and especially if it is something that happen during some ordinary daily activity (like walking up the couple of stairs) you should contact your doctor and discover what causes the breathing difficulties.
Causes of Shortness of Breath
Being overweight, obese or smoking excessively can cause shortness of breath during strenuous physical activity. However, besides being out of shape, shortness of breath may suggest that there is another possible cause of the breathing problem.
In healthy adults (and children), obesity, asthma, pneumonia, COPB (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and other pulmonary problems, such as pulmonary embolism or interstitial fibrosis are found to be the reason behind the shortness of breath. Kidney and liver disorders, anemia, tumor or heart condition may also cause this medical problem. Pregnancy might also lead to the shortness of breath.
Other factors that determine the possibility of shortness of breath include patients’ age, gender, general health condition and some earlier health problems.
Prevention of Shortness of Breath
Consider your lifestyle and make it work for you. Consult a trainer and start exercising regularly. You will see that there will be less breathing problems as you become more fit. Control your diet, eat healthy food and quit smoking. All these changes will help you breathe more easily.
Children are rarely affected with breathing difficulties, and in most cases they need a bit more exercise. Be aware that if your child is suffering from asthma it may (but doesn’t necessarily have to) cause shortness of breath during the physical activity.
Treatment of Shortness of Breath
Frequent breathing problems should be addressed by your doctor. The doctor will want to know everything about your medical history, including the previous conditions, lifestyle, eating habits, etc. in order to properly diagnose the condition and discover the root of the problem.
Urgent medical help is needed if you (at any time) experience dizziness, unconsciousness, sweating, hyperventilation, chest pain, choking or gasping for breath. Also, call 911 if you notice that your skin has become pale or bluish, or if you experience swelling in your legs or ankles.
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