Shortness of breath
Shortness of breath is medically called dyspnea. When this condition prolongs and lasts for a long period of time, it is called chronic shortness of breath. The main causes for the chronic dyspnea are also chronic in nature. When the chronic dyspnea occurs, it does not mean that the person with this condition has constant breathing problems. Chronic shortness of breath appears frequently and disappears.
Acute causes of shortness of breath
When the shortness of breath lasts only several hours or days, the underlying cause is typically an acute condition. One of the causes that are responsible for the occurrence of dyspnea is anemia. When the blood does not have sufficient red blood cells, the body does not receive enough amounts of oxygen and carbon dioxide. In such case, the breathing becomes increased, as well as the heart rate, and dyspnea occurs. It is very important to visit a doctor when shortness of breath occurs during the rest, because it indicates severe anemia. Hypotension, fast heartbeats, fatigue, and rapid shallow breathing, as well as paleness of the hands and feet are some of the symptoms of anemia.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases are diseases that affect the lungs. The most common chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases are emphysema and chronic bronchitis, and when they occur, the bronchial tubes become blocked and the lungs are unable to push the air. Because of that, severe dyspnea appears. Heart failure is a condition that does not appear suddenly but develops over time. The shortness of breath usually appears as the consequence of this condition and also progresses over time. When dyspnea appears suddenly and is accompanied by dizziness and mental confusion, it is extremely important to immediately go to a doctor.
One of the acute causes of dyspnea is intestinal lung disease, a condition characterized by the inflammation of the tissues between the small air sacs in the lungs. Obesity and physical inactivity can also lead to the occurrence of shortness of breath. However, when one loses the body weight and becomes physically active, dyspnea may disappear. Shortness of breath may occur in pregnancy due to several reasons. For example, it can be induced by the iron deficiency anemia, which is frequent in pregnant woman. Furthermore, the fetus grows and gradually occupies large space, which makes the breathing difficult so that dyspnea may occur at times. Tuberculosis, as well as tumors in the lung areas, are conditions that have shortness of breath as a consequence.
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