Pulmonary Fibrosis
Pulmonary fibrosis is a disease which causes scarring and damage to the tissues of the lungs. It can be a serious condition if the symptoms are severe. Pulmonary fibrosis symptoms may include dry cough, shortness of breath, breathing difficulties, fatigue, pain in the joints and muscles and loss of weight. If the damage of your lungs is significant, the symptoms may become worse after performing simple physical activities, such as walking around the house or getting dressed.Causes
There are a number of causes which can lead to pulmonary fibrosis. One of the common causes is exposure to toxins. If you have been exposed to toxins such as asbestos or silica duct for very long time, you are at risk of damaging your lungs. In rare cases radiation therapy can cause pulmonary fibrosis. Certain medications, such as those used in chemotherapy or for treating heart or mental problems, may cause damage to your lungs. Pulmonary fibrosis can also be a consequence of another disease, such as infection of the lungs, tuberculosis, pneumonia, lupus, scleroderma, or rheumatoid arthritis. People who smoke are at greater risk of damaging the lungs then people who do not smoke.Treatment
If you were diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis, you doctor will determine the treatment according to the severity of your condition. Unfortunately, the amount of damage on your lungs cannot be repaired, but the symptoms may be eased with medications, lung transplant, or various therapies and healthy lifestyle. Oxygen therapy can improve the quality of life of the patients with breathing difficulties by providing adequate amounts of oxygen and reducing the blood pressure. Other therapies may include breathing exercises and counseling. Lung transplant is performed in case of severe lung damage in younger patients.Home Remedies
In order to improve your life and to ease the symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis, you should stop smoking and avoid second hand smoking as well, because cigarette smoke can cause additional damage to your lungs. Exercises and physical activity is good for your overall health, but in case of pulmonary fibrosis, you should consult your doctor before you start exercising. You should also eat healthy and keep your weight normal in order to avoid breathing difficulties, acid reflux and heartburn. Greasy food, alcohol and caffeine are not recommended if you have lung damage. You should eat smaller amounts of food more times a day and have plenty of sleep. Sleep is important for improving your immune system.
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