Asthma as the cause of chronic cough and shortness of breath
Asthma is a very common condition in which the chronic inflammation of the bronchial tubes causes them to swell and narrow the airways. Asthma is also the likeliest reason for the combination of a persistent cough and difficulty breathing properly. With the airways that are sensitive to that effect, the cough is an inevitable chronic symptom of asthma, and as soon as the swelling starts taking place, difficulty while breathing is bound to occur. Another way to recognize the cough of an asthmatic is if it is followed by the sound which kind of resembles a swift wind.
Post nasal drip as the cause of chronic cough and shortness of breath
Sometimesthe mucus accumulates in the back of the nose and throat and one experiences sensations as though the mucus is descending from the back of the nose. This occurrence is always triggered by some kind of allergy, cold or a sinus-related issue. It is very unpleasant and its symptoms include inflammation, running nose and a very persistent, chronic cough. All these symptoms, and particularly the running nose which disables the breathing tubes, make it increasingly difficult to breathe properly as well.
Bronchitisas the cause of chronic cough and shortness of breath
Simply put, bronchitis is the inflammation of the bronchi, the air tubes that transport the air to the lungs. Once the condition is described in such way, it becomes pretty apparent how the symptoms in question are connected to it. Here is also where the wind-like sound which was related to asthma reaches its culmination due to the insufficient air that reaches the lungs. Finally, due to the obstruction in the airways, the body fluids start building up as well.
Respiratorytract infection as the cause of chronic cough and shortness of breath
Coughingand shortness of breath are both included among the common symptoms of any kind of infection of the respiratory tract. But even when the infection goes away, sometimes the cough lingers for a while, and the only way to describe it is as chronic. The intensity of the remained cough is likely to issue breathing difficulties as well.
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