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Some women will experience a problem relating to fertility called luteal phase defect, which means that the phase is either too short or too long. The average luteal phase spans 14-days, but anything less than 10-days means it is too short, and anything more than 16-days is considered too long. If a woman has a luteal phase that is too short, and a fertilized egg will not be able to implant and pregnancy will not happen.

When a woman has been having trouble trying to conceive or has experienced recurrent miscarriages, a physician will probably order tests to determine the cause. If a diagnosis of a short luteal phase has been made and this is the problem, it can be corrected through medical methods. One of the most common ways of correcting a luteal phase defect is through the use of certain pharmaceutical drugs, such as Clomid. Clomid is one of the first line drugs in treating infertility, but when used to treat a short luteal phase, the medication is used to increase the length of the phase and increases the production of progesterone. Through inducing ovulation and preparing the uterine lining, it should in theory be easier for a woman to conceive and maintain a pregnancy. The average luteal phase length on Clomid should increase from 10-days to a normal length of time, which increases the chances a woman has of becoming pregnant and can decrease the risk of miscarriage.

Clomid can be very effective in helping a woman experiencing a short luteal phase and enhances the hypothalamus and pituitary functions to keep manufacturing the hormones needed to produce progesterone through the luteal phase, which results in ovulation. Clomid can play an important role in helping a woman experiencing a luteal phase defect become pregnant. The average luteal phase length on Clomid will vary from woman to woman but commonly do not vary by more than a day; use of the drug to treat LPD is very beneficial for helping a lot of women conceive. With medical intervention and following the advice of reproductive specialists, a woman with LPD can conquer the condition and someday soon can conceive and have the baby she has longed for.

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