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After having a miscarriage, most women are able to go on to conceive and have a healthy baby at some point in time. However, for other women it is not always this simply and easily, there are hurdles and obstacles that must be dealt with and one could be a luteal phase defect. What is a luteal phase defect you may ask? Quite simply, a luteal phase is the space of time between when a woman ovulates and experiences the onset of her next menstrual cycle.

Having one miscarriage is sad, but having them recurrently is emotionally devastating on couples. The one bright spot is that according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine only 1% of women will experience 3 consecutive miscarriages or more. Many doctors will want to perform tests on a woman that has had recurrent miscarriages, but for some the cause will never be known. Some of the most common reasons for miscarriage include genetic problems or a chromosomal defect, age of the woman, uterine abnormalities, an incompetent cervix, or hormonal problems. One of the most common hormonal problems is related to a luteal phase defect, which for some women is easily corrected either using natural methods or through medical means by adding progesterone supplementation.

A luteal phase defect is a treatable condition and when properly handled, most women are able to go on to become pregnant and have a baby. A long luteal phase is anything that extends beyond 14 days and is something that can be determined with body temperature charting and tests performed by a medical doctor. A long luteal phase after miscarriage means it can be more difficult for a woman to determine her fertile period, which can result in confusion and frustration. Treatment for a long luteal phase is generally done through monitoring body temperature, noting cervical fluid changes and following the advice of a licensed medical professional. For a woman that experiences a long luteal phase, the best thing to do is keep track of any bodily changes and note anything that may need to be mentioned to the doctor during check-ups. A luteal phase defect is one of the most common reasons behind recurrent miscarriage and once diagnosed many women have gone on to become pregnant and have a healthy baby, which is reason to always hold out hope.

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