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Seed Ticks

There are methods for successful removal of the seed ticks, and we will talk about them in the following text. Seed ticks are the name for the larval forms of the ticks, which look like seeds and they are very small in size. They bear the name seed ticks due to their resemblance to the seeds. They need blood to feed and this is why they attach to the human body. In some cases, they may be the source of infection, although not necessarily. If they are, pathogen bacteria can be inserted into the body and cause problems and diseases. Some of the problems caused in this way are tularemia or spotted fever. For the removal of these problems, antibiotics are used.


They should be eliminated from the body as fast as possible and for this you can use tweezers. Take the tweezers, grasp the seed tick and pluck the tick out, but bear in mind that this needs to be done in a vertical motion. They may leave some parts, so take a magnifying glass and make sure you have removed the whole seed tick. Another way of removing them from the body is with the masking tape, which needs to be placed on the affected area, and pulled with considerate force, so that the sticks are pulled out. Body lice shampoo can also be used. The sticks may produce some itching and in order to eliminate this problem, you can use topical cream. But, this may produce some problems with the removal of seed ticks. It is good to make the problematic area dry and remember never to try to pull them out with fingernails. You can push them inside the body if you do this. Also, it is important to put something on the hands, so that you do not come in contact with the fluids that may get inside the human body through the cut or a wound.


You should keep the area clean once the seed ticks are removed. You can put hydrogen peroxide on the area with a cotton ball. You can also apply ice pack for the swelling and numbness. Problem of rash may be present, but it goes away after several days. Tea tree oil can also be applied since essential oils like lavender oil, for example, can reduce itching. Repeat the application of lavender oil if the itchiness persists after the first application, which should last 10 minutes. Aloe Vera leaf pulp can be applied for 15 minutes after which the area should be rinsed with water. This needs to be repeated three or four times during the day. Applying toothpaste or peppermint oil is a possibility as well. You can use some of the mentioned methods in order to remove the problem, and be sure that any pathogens that may be present in the seed tick will not cause any problem.

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