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A Sweet Intruder

Sugar is one of the most ambiguousthings we eat. Of course, the sugar we are talking about is the mostcommon, crystal white sugar. This product is completely unnecessaryto be in our organism. In fact, its refined form is considered to bea foreign element once it reaches our body. Being completelyunnatural, our body does not know what to do with all the sugar weeat, and we can eat up to 200 grams of sugar daily. Nevertheless,this substance does not seem to be harmful, since it has a very smallnutritional value, lacking proteins, vitamins and minerals. It alsohas no fat. All in all, sugar has no specific purpose for us to feelthe necessity of its consumption. Yet, many of us simply cannot livewithout it. This is because of the fact that sugar, eaten in largerquantities, is highly addictive. People often develop this addictionwhile they are small children and carry it on throughout their lives.

Negative Effects of Sugar Consumption

Mostly, long-term effects of sugaroverdose are seen in later stages of life. Then, this substance isknown to cause pancreatic problems as well as adrenal gland andendocrine system damage. Moreover, numerous diseases may take placedue to excessive sugar intake. They may not be dangerous directly,but they may cause numerous, more complicated and life-threateningconditions.

Additionally, sugar is notorious forits negative influence upon one's dental health. Namely, eating toomuch sugar too often is bound to result in teeth decay, appearance ofcavities, caries and numerous other problems. Also, the problems mayevolve to those endangering a person's tooth position in mouth,resulting in a necessity of wearing braces. Bleeding gums are alsoquite common signs of too much of this sweet poison.

Naturally, our teeth are closelyconnected to our hearth. Thus, as long as we continue our sugarabuse, we risk developing heart problems, directly through our dentaldeterioration. In order to compensate for all the possible damagesugar is capable of inflicting upon your teeth, you would need tobrush and floss your teeth each time you consume this product.However, normally, taking into consideration that you eat sugarwithin the boundaries of acceptable, these two means of dental carewould be sufficient if applied twice a day.

Finally, the worst scenario includesdeveloping some terrible diseases. Diabetes is the most common ofthese. This disease of having too much, or too little, sugar in yourblood, may be easily treatable by some radical diet changes, eventhough people claim to define diabetes as a illness without a cure.

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