Dental Health Is Crucial
Our teeth are very important to us, even though most of us are completely unaware of this fact. First, people who do not know us, must rely upon our aesthetic factors in order to get visually acquainted with us. Thus, if we have rotting and unhealthy teeth, being discolored and looking extremely unattractive, we will be unattractive as well. Moreover, we use our teeth for chewing food, speaking and doing many other actions. Thereby, if our teeth deteriorate, all the capabilities they enable us will be gone.
Our teeth consist of more than one layer. In fact they have four different, protective layers. Nevertheless, the outer one, the enamel is the strongest and the most resistant layer. However, it is still a mineral structure and is, thus, affected by acids greatly. Subsequently, poor dental hygiene leads to enamel damage, and to further teeth rotting afterwards. Once this strong outer layer is destroyed, it can never be formed again and our teeth rot faster once enamel is gone.
All in all, our teeth are very important to us and we need to know what causes their deterioration in order to stop it timely and prevent any grim outcomes.
Reasons Behind Teeth Rotting
The main cause of many dental problems regarding decrease of teeth quality, are the bacteria inside our mouth. Namely, our oral cavity if full of different bacteria, each serving a purpose. These bacteria feed on the things we eat, producing acids during the process. Often, these microorganisms place their acidic productions upon our teeth they cause plaque to appear. If not removed by brushing and proper dental care, this plaque hardens and destroys the outer layer of our teeth, advancing further into our dental decay. Thus, rotten teeth are a clear sign of neglect since by brushing your teeth after every meal, or at least two times a day, flossing or using mouthwashes regularly, you are bound to ensure healthy and strong teeth.
Bad oral health may cause bacteria to enter your bloodstream through the holes in your teeth and possibly trigger heart attacks and many other health problems. Furthermore, rotting teeth smell awful and cause bad breath.
What Can Be Done?
Prevention is the best cure and proper dental hygiene is crucial. That being said, brush your teeth regularly, floss, rinse and use mouthwashes. This way your teeth are bound to look beautiful and be healthy. Visit your dentist often in order to react timely in case of any tooth decay you might experience. If you are too late and the bacterial damage is significant, your dentist will have to fill your cavities and remove some parts of your teeth. Take good care of your dental health beforehand and avoid all these unpleasantness.
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