If you have ever wondered why the world seems to be spinning around, there are several possible explanations. Dizziness and similar conditions are usually associated with poor fuel or poor oxygen supply to the brain, while sometimes this can be a consequence of those two reasons combined. Another probable but not so common cause of dizzy spells, nauseous feeling and noise in the ears is an inner ear condition. If you hear some noise or happen to experience loss of hearing, it could be that poor blood supply or inflammation of the inner ear caused labyrinths.
According to doctor’s observations, hypoglycemia is the most likely cause of dizziness, followed by dehydration and lack of certain minerals in the body. Prescription medications or poisoning with some substances may also provoke similar symptoms. Additional causes of dizzy spells are low blood pressure, lack of sleep, hyperventilation due to panic attack or problems with the functioning of the thyroid or adrenal glands.
Dizziness Due to Poor Fuel or Oxygen Supply to the Brain
Hypoglycemia is the only reason behind poor fuel supply to the central nervous system, while various reasons may lead to lack of oxygen in the brain. In conditions such as carbon monoxide poisoning, hyperventilation, respiratory failure or medical problem known as a patent foramen ovale, your brain may lack oxygen making you suffer from dizzy spells.
Poisoning with carbon monoxide (CO) may be caused by some outside sources of CO. Hyperventilation means that the person’s ventilation is too fast. Although there is enough oxygen in the blood it cannot reach all tissues (including the brain), so the person feels dizzy.
Respiratory failure is characterized by improperly working lungs, due to some serious and advanced disease of the lungs. Conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), collapsed lung, fluid-filled lungs, pulmonary embolus and lung cancer are well known to lead to dizzy spells and also to serious breathing problems.
A patent foramen ovale is very commonly found in people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). More so, this condition worsens the dizziness and acute tiredness these patients feel.Poor Blood Supply and Dizzy Spells
Lack of blood to the brain definitively leads to less fuel and oxygen for the brain, provoking dizziness. These patients may be suffering from anemia, low blood pressure (in whole body or just in the brain), or from autonomic dysfunction or vasovagal reaction. Generalized vasodilation and hormones may also have the same effect, as well as dehydration, mineral deficit in the body, the use of certain medications or just lack of sleep.
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