There are a lot of people all over the world who suffer from various worm infections. However, there is one particular infection known as pinworm infection and it is considered to be the most common worm infection of them all. According to the data, every year there are over 40 million new cases of pinworm infection.
Even though every person may end up suffering from this infection, the most common patients are children aged between 5 and 10 years of age. The worm infection can occur in every socioeconomic group but it is a lot more common with people who live in close and crowded living conditions. It is pretty common for the infection to spread among people and family members as well. This infection does not attack the animals and that the humans are the only natural host of this infection.
Out of all the symptoms, the most common one is an itchy rectal area. This symptom is only worse during the night due to the fact that that is the time when female worms go out the anus to deposit the eggs.
Pinworm causes
A female worm can produce more than 10,000 eggs during her lifespan. Whenever a person scratches the perianal area, the eggs are likely to remain under the nails and spread to everything that a person touches. Once clothing, toys and even dust are affected with the eggs, they will also spread the infection. An ingestion of the eggs is accidental in all cases but it is another way a person gets infected. It takes several weeks for the eggs to become worms. These worms are usually located in the junction between the small and large intestine. Women worms will migrate from that area to the rectum.
The most common scenario is that a person is affected by the worms but does not experience any symptoms at all. Itching around the anus is the most common symptom when a person is affected with worms. People need to know that fevers, abdominal pain, poor appetite and bloody bowel movements are not the symptoms of worms. Prevention
The best way to prevent suffering from worms is by maintaining a proper hygiene. Washing the hands before meals is highly important. Avoiding biting the nails and scratching the anal region is a good way of preventing worm infection.The fingernails need to cut on time and kept short and clean. Washing the clothes that a person sleeps in and bedding should be done regularly. Changing the underwear every day is highly important as well.
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