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A person who has an abnormal growth of tissue inside his or her skull and that is brought on by a diverse group of diseases is most likely suffering from brain cancer. Like with all types of cancer, brain tumors can be either benign or malignant. Right after leukemia and lymphoma, brain tumors are the type of cancer that develops in children the most. When adults are considered, brain tumors are usually the result of the tumors spreading from some other part of the body.

Understanding the brain

Every person knows that the brain is located in the skull and that it is a soft and spongy mass. A certain watery fluid called cerebrospinal fluid flows through the spaces between the meninges, which are three thin membranes protecting the brain, and ventricles. Ventricles are the spaces within the brain itself. A huge number of nerves deliver the messages from the brain to the rest of the body and vice versa. Certain nerves are directly connected to the eyes, ears and other head parts from the brain, while other nerves go through the spinal cord. All the instructions like walking and talking come from the brain. Breathing is also an instruction that comes from the brain. Cerebrum, the cerebellum and the brain stem are three huge parts of the brain and each part is in control of different activities. Cerebrum depends on the senses to tell people what is going on around them, orders the body how to respond and controls reading, thinking, learning speech and emotions. Cerebellum is in control of balance and certain complex actions like walking and talking. The brain stem is the thing that connects the brain with the spinal cord. The brain stem is also in charge of hunger and thirst, breathing, body temperature and basic body functions and blood pressure.

Brain cancer prevention

People should be aware that there is no sure way they can prevent the development of brain cancer. However, by avoiding risk factors, they will reduce the risk of brain cancer. On the other hand, people should increase protective factors in order to further reduce the risk of brain cancer. Some of the risk factors of brain cancer are gender, race and exposure to specific chemicals. People should also know that certain risk factors like gender and race cannot be avoided. However, risk factors like exposure to certain chemicals and radiation can. A person can also talk to a doctor about finding out new protective factors.

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