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Have you and your partner been trying to conceive a baby for longer than two years, without any success? Have you decided to have your fertility checked by medical professionals? The chances are that an analysis of the semen of the male partner will be one of the first tests ordered by your doctor. A sperm analysis is a relatively simple test. It does not require much from the man being tested, but there is some preparation needed for a sperm analysis. So, just how does one prepare for an analysis of semen?

As I am sure you are aware of, the sperm analysis is carried out in a lab. Men who are going to have their semen analyzed will need to provide a sample. Because this sample needs to be as fresh as possible to get the most accurate results, special private rooms are often provided by your fertility clinic. The "test subject" will be asked to withdraw to that room, to produce a sample. While this is definitely one of the more awkward aspects of fertility testing, remember that the best results are achieved in this manner. Before it comes to that point, your chosen doctor will brief you on how to prepare. He or she is likely to advise you to avoid intercourse for a few days before the sample will be produced, to make sure that the sperm count is at its maximum level.

Abstaining from sex for a longer period of time is not necessary, and might in fact reduce sperm count. It is also essential to avoid alcohol and cigarettes before having a sperm analysis performed. If you drink or smoke, giving up will significantly increase your chances of conceiving naturally in any case, so making this small sacrifice is definitely worth it to reach your goal of becoming a parent. In addition, remember to tell your doctor about any medications you are taking that could affect the results of the analysis that includes herbal remedies or even multivitamin supplements.

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