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It is important to identify the underlying cause of your partner not being able to get pregnant. You and your female partner will need to go through various tests to find out where the issue is. This can go on for quite some time as there are a variety of reasons for not getting pregnant. Firstly you both should see your GP and go through your medical history and a general examination where your GP will check your genitals and ask a variety of questions about your history and sex life. The GP will also want a semen analysis done and this is where you will provide your semen for testing and they will look at them under a microscope and see the amount of sperm that appear within a number of squares on a grid pattern. In many situations the GP will ask for several semen analysis tests to be conducted as your semen counts can alter. So it’s important to make sure all of your semen goes into the collection cup and you will have to wait at least two to three months after you have got better from an illness before providing a semen sample. It is also important to not ejaculating for a minimum of forty eight hours prior to collecting a sample however not longer than seven days.

A standard semen mass range from twenty million to more than one hundred million sperm per milliliter of semen. If you have less than twenty million sperm per milliliter then you have a low sperm count. Azoospermia means the man does not have any sperm count is his semen. Obviously the likelihood of getting your partner pregnant goes down along with the decreasing sperm counts. Even if you have a low sperm count you still can get you partner pregnant this works the other way in the sense that men with a normal count of sperm can have great difficulties in getting their partner pregnant.

Your GP may recommend some different tests to do in addition like a scrotal ultrasound. This is when they use a high-frequency sound wave which makes different images of inside of your body. The doctor will do this test to see if there is a varicocele or an obstruction testicle. Your GP may even want to check your hormones and check your urine after an orgasm to see if your sperms are in fact traveling backwards.

There are many options for treatment such as surgery, treating infections, hormone treatments and assisted reproductive technology.

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