PKD or Polycystic KidneyDisease
Polycystic kidney disease is a condition in which noncancerous cysts filled with fluid form and develop primarily in the kidneys. However besides within the kidneys these cysts may develop within other organs and in other parts of the body as well. This disease is congenital, which means that genetic defect is present in the people who will develop it and some of the symptoms which may indicate it are frequent urination, enlarged abdomen, blood in the urine, kidney stones or kidney failure, pain in the back, frequent urinary or kidney infections and enlarged kidneys. People with polycystic kidney disease may also have high blood pressure and headache. However it may take years before the signs appear. So many people are not even aware of it until then. Given that it runs in the family it is strongly advised for the relatives of a person who suffers from it to see the doctor in order to check out whether they have it as well.
Complications related to polycystic kidney disease
This condition does not always have to be serious but it is necessary to diagnose it in time, to start the treatment and to go on regular checkups. All these measures will significantly reduce the risks of possible complications that may appear, among which the most common one is high blood pressure. Besides this one, numerous other complications are possible as well as some more and some less serious. The cysts are likely to develop within the liver, and females will have more problems, because, due to hormones, cysts in them will be larger. Diverticulosis or more precisely, hernias and pouches in the wall of the colon, as well as chronic pain in back are also common problems of people in which this condition provokes complications. Much more serious complications which may be a result of polycystic kidney disease are brain aneurysm, particularly in people older than 50, abnormalities of heart valve such as mitral valve prolapse complications in pregnancy, especially with women who have a history of high blood pressure, and the loss of kidney function, which is one of the most dangerous complications. Statistics say that more than half of people with this disease will have kidney failure before they turn 70.
It is usually impossible to predict when these complications will occur which is only a reason more for regular controls of the condition, as well as for following the advice and suggestions given by the doctor because the treatment of polycystic kidney disease consists of treating the symptoms. It is not possible to cure the disease itself.
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