In the following text, we will focus on the side effectsassociated with the plasma donation. Blood donation and plasma donation arevery similar procedures and there are some side effects possible after theplasma donation. In blood there is a yellow liquid and this is plasma, and the blood has 55% ofplasma in its content. Hormones, clotting factors, nutrients, vitamins andelectrolytes are what plasma is made of, but it also has immunoglobulins, albuminand other proteins. There are several reasons why plasma is donated,such as manufacturing medicine and transfusion. It is transfused and donatedmostly due to replacement of the lost blood volume and due to blood disorders. Pharmaceuticalcompanies mostly use this donated plasma and plasma protein therapies aremade with the help of the proteins found in the plasma. Rare disorders anddiseases are treated with these therapies, but there are some side effectsinvolved and we will see which.
Side Effects
There are few common but not serious side effects that are possible. Some of them areconvulsions, fainting, dizziness and nausea, while dizziness and feeling ofsickness might befall the donors of plasma as well. Try drinking a lot of fluids beforegiving plasma in order to avoid these side effects. You have to avoid alcoholand caffeine before donating; you can drink anything else but you need to eatright after the procedure as well. Needle can cause bruising, which goes away after a day or so. Afeeling of hunger is natural after the donation, so try to eat immediately. Remember that youhave to drink a lot of fluids and eat before the donation and eat healthy foodafter the donation, in order to avoid dizziness. Sickness is a feeling that can be felt after the donation if you smoke after or before the donation. Theseare some of the most common side effects possible after the plasma donation, butknow that they differ according to the gender, age and so on.
Tips in Avoiding Risks
You can follow few simple steps and avoid these side effects. Eat good three orfour hours before the donation, drink a lot of fluids to avoiddizziness, do not drink alcohol or caffeine before the donation but otherhealthy drinks are advised. There are norms of plasma donation that have to bemet and they include age, weight and height. Do not participate in vigorousactivities after the donation and see a doctor if any of the side effectsappear.No matter how serious side effects are, and they really are not in this case, thereare some benefits associated with blood donation, which should not be disregarded.
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