What is Blood Plasma?
Our blood consists of many differentsubstances. One of these is blood plasma, which constitutes over halfof our entire blood volume. Our blood plasma helps our body fightagainst external injuries since plasma stops bleeding and the loss ofblood, closing any openings in the blood vessels. This part of ourblood is made predominantly out of water. However, there arevitamins, minerals, glucose, hormones and many other elements togetherbeing a part of what we call our blood plasma.
Healthy people are motivated to donatetheir blood plasma to those in need since this blood element can bevery useful for people suffering from hemophilia, immune deficienciesetc. Also, it can be helpful during pregnancy, as well as whiletreating newborn babies or injuries in some patients. All in all,one's blood plasma can be another one's chance to live. Therefore,there are many facilities where you can donate your blood plasma,provided you meet all the requirements.
Donating Blood Plasma
Before donating blood plasma, you needto meet certain expectations. Namely, you need to be more than 18years old and weight at least 110 pounds. Naturally, you need to beabsolutely healthy and in a good physical as well as mental state. Ifyou happen to match this profile, you will be examined and thefacility is likely to accept your blood plasma donation. Since plasmarenews itself quite quickly, you may donate it even two times a week.
Nevertheless, before you donate, asample of your blood will be drawn and tested for illnesses or otherhealth problems. If you pass this part of the test, you will be askedto provide information about yourself so that you might be entered inthe donor database. Then, the whole donation procedure lasts forabout an hour, after which you will have successfully donated yourblood plasma.
After donation, you will be advised todrink plenty of water so as to compensate for the loses during theprocedure. Also, you are to eat something for the same reasons. Makesure you follow the medical advice given before and after thedonation procedure, avoiding any complications.
Usually, donation centers provide youcertain benefits or gifts for these humane acts. Still, you are toonly donate in certified donation centers, since there are many ofthese which do not have license.
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