Phlegm is a sticky fluid which is created by the mucus membranes in the human body and which is usually expelled out of the body through coughing. When the bronchial mucosa is affected by different types of irritants for a long period of time, then the phlegm in chest develops.
Causes of phlegm in chest
Among the major reasons for the occurrence of phlegm in the chest is tobacco smoke and therefore, people who are used to smoking are prone to experience this condition very often. Furthermore, phlegm in the chest also occurs due to some other irritants, for example, dust and various industrial fumes. There are also cases when the pet dander is responsible for the forming of phlegm in the chest.
In addition to above mentioned irritants, there are several medical conditions or health ailments that are the culprits for the phlegm in the chest. Common cold, asthma and pneumonia are major causes when phlegm in the chest is in question. Moreover, many viral or bacterial infections of the respiratory system tend to induce the formation of phlegm in the chest. Thick phlegm in the chest usually appears due to whooping cough and bronchitis. It is also considered that many medications that are used for the treatment of cough tend to dry out the cough making the dried phlegm in the chest.
Remedies for phlegm in chest
Steam is regarded to be the simplest and the most effective of all remedies for the treatment of phlegm in the chest. The water should be boiled first and than inhaled in order to cough up the phlegm more easily.
The color of the phlegm should always be observed since it can tell us about the seriousness of the condition. For example, if the color of the phlegm is white and the phlegm is clear, that means that the infection is viral, but if the phlegm is yellow, brown or green in color, or if it has blood in it, then medical attention is necessary.
The people with excess phlegm in the chest should be well hydrated all the time since otherwise, it can lead to the drying of the phlegm, which cannot be expelled by coughing. Since alcohol and caffeine tend to make our body dehydrated, it is recommended to avoid the consummation of these drinks. Furthermore, people who are smoking should immediately stop doing it. A humidifier in the room were we are spending most of the time is also a good solution to get rid of the phlegm in the chest.
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