One of the ways that canhelp women to experience natural childbirth is a nice birth story. There arestories told by brave women who experienced labor when there were no hospitals,doctors and other things that could ease labor. There are some incredible birthstories that emphasize the miracle of life and the fact that each birth isdifferent and unique in its own way.
According to theexperience of Sarah Grace, the contraction pain stopped when she started topush and from then she did not stop at all, until she saw her baby’s hair. Logan delivered herbaby into this world very unexpectedly. She and her nearest ones believed thatshe will go to labor later that morning, but it actually started at 2:00 a.m.and it was all over in five minutes. Grace’s labor lasted 5hours and 45 minutes. She only had 15 minutes of intense pushing and did notregret any moment of it. Based on her experience, all mothers should ignoreterrible birth stories and dedicate to their own pregnancy and labor. A body ofa woman is capable by its nature to give birth, and a woman only has tobelieve in herself.
Taylor Marie has anotherwonderful birth story where her mother cut the cord right after the labor.Marie pushed for whole 45 minutes and finally saw her baby daughter. The factthat grandmother cut the cord of her first grandchild was very important thingfor the whole family, especially for Marie’s mother. Singing was a thing thatreduced pain in the case of Radha. She sang through her delivery and everythingwent fine, she even managed to reduce the intensity of contractions. In thecase of Noah Aiden, if her water hadn't broken, she wouldn’t have felt that adelivery had started. It was so easy and out of pain, that it even amazed her. Elliott experiencednatural birth and she would not hesitate in doing it again in the same way. Shedid not say that it was not painful and stressful, but it was all worth it.
These stories teach usthat natural birth is not so painful and horrible. Body of a woman is preparedfor that miraculous event and you only have to give yourself a little morecredit. Faith and strong will can help a lot, and you will not regret theexperience that is available only to mothers, no matter how painful it canbe.
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