Every woman might face certainproblems during pregnancy. We will talk about several which are most widespreadproblems that occur during delivery. The first we will mention is the umbilicalcord prolapse, which occurs when umbilical cord gets into the cervix precedingthe baby, so it can also block the flow of blood through the cord or it can evenstick out from the vagina. No matter how important the umbilical cord is forthe baby, it can cause these very serious problems and they need to be treatedimmediately. While the help is waited, you need to get on your hands and knees,raise the buttocks and press your chest on the floor. This will help thepressure of the cord to be decreased from the baby's activity.
One of the mostcommon and being problems during labor is the prolonged labor, which usuallyaffects women during their first labor. Infection is one of the possiblecomplications following this problem. Problem can be resolved by takingoxytocin, fluid for the dehydration, or even cesarean section. Other problemsconnected with umbilical cord, happen because of the baby's activities. If thebaby turns too much, the cord can entangle with baby and cause problems. The cordcan also get compressed and stretched. In these situations, the fluid from thecord cannot run as quickly as it should, causing a fall in the baby’s heartrate. But this problem isn't very serious since it can be solved very quickly, dueto the fact that it can be detected on the monitor that the mother is hooked upto. Treatment includes oxygen or rushed delivery. The last problem we willmention is the abnormal presentation. Baby can be delivered with head down orbuttocks down. Perfect delivery includes a baby exiting the vagina head first, and facing the mother's back. The head is the most difficult part because ofits delicate nature. Some problems are related to the head, since in somecases the head can be too big and cause problems. Problem can occur when thebaby is facing mother stomach, which can induce back labor pain and possibletearing of the birth canal. There are possibilities of baby coming buttocks,shoulders or feet first through the vagina. Every different part of thedelivery from those that we have stated as perfect delivery, can cause injuriesto the mother. Doctor will try to detect the position of the baby, but even 6weeks before the delivery, there are reasonable chances that the baby willmove. One kind of the treatment for this kind of problem is the manual rotation ofthe baby in the uterus. When performing this, muscles are relaxed with amedication and electronic fetal monitor and ultrasound machine are used forsafer procedure. The success of this method depends on the size of the baby,and how much the delivery is off. Bigger the baby the success rate is smaller.
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