There is a treatment for cancer, which involves the use ofoxygenated environment because cancerous cells are destroyed by it. This formof treatment is called oxygen ozone and it makes the blood re-oxygenated andthus more capable of fighting with this dangerous disease. The fact that cancerous cellscannot live in an oxygenated environment has been discovered by a Dr. OttoWarburg, who won the Nobel Laureate on two occasions. One of the causes ofcancer, which can be considered the prime one is lack of oxygen. Thissituation makes growth of the cancer cells increased. The cells will enter a fermentationperiod if there is no oxygen in normal amounts for the aerobic respiration. Thecells then become cancerous due to extreme growth, but this process can be reversedwith the use of oxygen to saturate the cells.
Increasing the Oxygen Level Naturally
Pollutants, like cigarettes smoke and polluted air, should be avoided, while the intake of fresh vegetables and fruits is advised. This can increase cell-oxygen levelsamong the healthy individuals, but there are other things you can try also. Theoxygen content in tap water is reduced due to the processing so try to drinkspring water. Aerobic exercises and a proper diet are important factors in increasingthe oxygen levels. You have to lead a healthy life in general so get enough of rest and fresh air and you can improve your health.
But if the body' oxygen economy breaks down, the disease can grow inside ourbody and the repeating cycle in our body will be hard to stop. This is whenOxygen Ozone therapy may prove to be useful.
Treatment with Oxygen Ozone Therapy
The therapy uses ozone, which passes through an ozone generator, and then it maybe used in a few different ways. The point of this process is to oxygenate theblood. The first use of the first ozone is to infuse it with the patient'sblood, which is then administered to the patient via a drip. This form of treatmenthas to be done every day. The second use is ozonated water, which is made withthe O3 bubbling through the purified water, which can then be used in severalways and oxygenate the tissue. Ozonated steam bath, application of the ozonatedolive oil on the skin and enema are some of the other ways of making the bloodozonated. This way of treatment is still in its pioneering days, so it is not legalizedin the whole US, although it is in some areas. Injection or oral use of hydrogenperoxide can be administered during the Oxygen Ozone therapies, but rememberthat this can only be done by a licensed professional. Know that oxygen gas supplementationand oxygen ozone therapy are not the same. Oxygen gas involves risk andsupervision by the doctor is required for this form of treating.
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