Are there any signs that indicate the presence of ovariancysts?
When it comes to signs and symptoms that ovarian cysts mightmanifest through, the fact is that it is not at all clever to rely on themonly. The reason for this is related to the fact that in a great number ofcases, there are no symptoms present at all. On the other side, the symptomsthat might be present are very likely to be similar to the symptoms of someother conditions among which are some very serious in nature. In order todiagnose the presence of ovarian cysts, the doctors will definitely orderadditional tests if they become suspicious, but the fact is that women usuallylive with them without even being aware of their presence, since generally, they areharmless and rarely cause problems. However, timely reaction is necessary in those rare cases, which is why it is important to keep them monitored if they are present.
Still, some of the symptoms that are definitely a reason forconcern and a checkup at the doctor include pain in the pelvic area either rightbefore the period or right before it will end, and this pain might be constant,but it might also be intermittent. The pelvic pain can be present during theintercourse, or it can radiate to the thigh area or the area of the lower back.Some symptoms that are similar to those that pregnant women usually have todeal with might also indicate ovarian cysts, and those are nausea, vomiting andtenderness of the breasts. Pressure on the bowels, as well as the bladder orrectum, are also some of the symptoms that should not be overseen.
When it comes to symptoms that are definitely reasons forimmediate visit to the hospital, those include severe and sudden pain in theabdomen or pelvis, as well as pain that is followed by fever, vomiting or bothof them.
What are the methods of prevention?
The fact is that there are no certain steps that can preventthe occurrence of these cysts, but there certainly are steps due to which theirpresence can be detected at an early stage. Pelvic examinations on regularbasis are definitely a good method, as well as paying attention to any changethe might occur regarding the monthly cycle. In some cases, the use of birth control pills might preventthe occurrence of new ovarian cysts, but they should be used for this purposeonly when the doctor prescribes them.
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