Ascorbic acid has antioxidant properties
Ascorbic acid is a natural organic compound which is known for its very potent antioxidant properties. Most people know it by its other name –vitamin C. it is classified as a water soluble type of vitamin so it cannot be stored inside the human body. In its pure form it is a white solid, but there are also certain impure samples which may come off as a bit yellow. When it does get dissolved in water it provides solutions which can be characterized as mildly acidic. Ascorbic acid got its name as the “cure” for scurvy, which is a severe medical condition triggered by vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C is derived from glucose so there are a number of animals which may produce it. Vitamin C is one of the most important parts of the normal human nutrition. Among the best natural sources of vitamin C are tomatoes, broccoli and all citrus types of fruits. Certain species of bacteria, most vertebrates, and all species of algae and plants are able to perform a biosynthesis of vitamin C. Primates, humans, birds, bats, guinea pigs and teleost fishes cannot produce it on their own and require it as a dietary micronutrient. Vitamin C is of utmost importance when it comes to proper growth and repair of all different types of tissues in the human body. Collagen, which is an important type of protein used for the production of blood vessels, ligaments, tendons, cartilage and skin, cannot be made without vitamin C. Proper maintenance and repairing of the teeth and bones is unimaginable without vitamin C. it is also of utmost important when it comes to healing of different sorts of wounds. Among the most important of them all are antioxidant properties of vitamin C. Other important antioxidants include beta carotene, vitamin E and other nutrients based on plants, and often they work together in order to fight off the free radicals and reduce the amount of damage they normally cause. These substances damage the DNA, they damage the cells and the internal organs and over time they are known for contributing to the development of various severe medical conditions such as arthritis, heart disease and different forms of cancer. The free radicals are also directly responsible for the natural process of aging. Serious cases of vitamin C deficiency are rather rare, but it is not uncommon for a large number of people everywhere around the world to suffer from significantly low levels of vitamin C. Smokers are commonly at a much higher risk of vitamin C deficiency because nicotine kills of the vitamin C in the human body. Vitamin C deficiency can easily be recognized by certain symptoms such as a decreased ability to ward off an infection, nosebleeds, easy bruising, decreased rate of wound healing, scaly skin, dry skin, rough skin, bleeding gums, inflammation of the gums, splitting hair and dry hair. People who suffer from lower levels of vitamin C are known for being associated with a wide array of medical conditions such as atherosclerosis, different sorts of cancer, stroke, gallbladder disease, high blood pressure and even heart attack. The risk of developing such conditions may be reduced by consuming sufficient amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables.
What is ascorbic acid good for?
As already mentioned, vitamin C may be of great help when it comes to prevention of certain types of medical conditions. Among the least harmful of them all is common cold. There is a popular belief that vitamin C may be helpful in the prevention and treatment of the common cold, but according to certain scientific studies the only benefit that it provides in such cases is that it slightly reduces the duration of a cold. The reduction is a mere day. Vitamin C may be efficient in preventing common colds only in certain extreme environments such as the Arctic, marathon races and other athlete related conditions. Another common medical condition which can be positively affected by frequent consumption of vitamin C is high blood pressure. A diet that is rich in vitamin C greatly reduces the risk of high blood pressure, along with numerous other health benefits. Numerous scientific studies have shown that vitamin C can be of great help in reducing the risk of heart disease, heart attack and stroke. This is mainly due to the fact that it protects the arteries from getting damaged, but on the other hand, it cannot reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. It may slow down the progress of the hardening of the arteries in some cases. A diet that is rich in vitamin C may be of great help in reducing the risk of different types of cancer such as the breast cancer, cervical dysplasia and skin cancer. Vitamin C supplements do not provide the same effect.
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