NuvaRing is a convenient and relatively new hormonal birth control choice. It is a flexible plastic ring which is inserted into the vagina, where it is worn continuously for three weeks. Many women like the thought of a contraceptive they don't have to think about on a daily basis. But NuvaRing has potential side effects, like every other contraceptive. Could your birth control method be the cause of depression?

NuvaRing has a lot in common with the birth control pill, despite its more convenient usage. The active ingredients are similar to those of the birth control pill, and with that, NuvaRing also shares many of the same side effects. Most commonly, the side effects of hormonal contraceptives are temporary and will go away after a few months of using it. Nausea, breast tenderness, and light bleeding and spotting are among the more common ones. Weight gain, changes in appetite, abdominal pain and cramping and... a sudden intolerance to contact lenses (!?!) are also among the possibilities.
But how about depression? The manufacturer of NuvaRing does list depression as a possible side effect, actually. If you do have a personal or family history of depression, you will want to discuss the use of this contraceptive method, and others like it, very carefully with your doctor before deciding to give it a cautious go. And, if you have been using NuvaRing and feel down and depressed, do acknowledge the option that your birth control method could have something to do with it.
There are reliable non-hormonal contraceptives that will definitely be a better match for you. Of course, not all women who get depressed on NuvaRing are suffering as a result of their contraceptive! Correlation doesn't equal causation and it's very possible to get depressed and be on a hormonal contraceptive without the contraceptive having anything to do with the depression.
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