Ovaries are organs of female reproductive tract in which eggs are produced. They are almond-sized and are located left and right of the uterus. In ovaries, the eggs grow and mature in what is called a follicle and are released from the follicle during the menstrual cycle. In some cases, cysts may form on an ovary. This usually happens when the egg is not released from the follicle, or when the follicle does not disintegrate after releasing the egg. This can be triggered by a hormonal imbalance, or by some drugs, such as fertility drugs. Cysts look like sacs filled with fluid, and can, if they are too large, cause problems that range from pain and discomfort to infertility.
Ovarian cysts are quite common and as most of them do not cause problems, many women with cysts are unaware of their presence. However, too large or twisted cysts can cause abdominal pain, bleeding and pain during the intercourse. A ruptured cyst usually manifests in sudden and unbearable abdominal pain, bleeding, fever and chills, and immediate medical attention should be sought after if these symptoms appear.
Treat it medically
Medical treatment includes hormonal pill therapy (attempt to shrink the cysts), surgery (when cysts are pressing nearby organs or may rupture), or watchful waiting with periodic exams that should determine current condition of the cyst.
Treat it naturally
Waiting for the cyst condition to resolve itself naturally while monitoring it for changes periodically is by far the least invasive and most desired (and approved) method in case there is no immediate danger or pain. Some recent studies indicate that appearance of cysts is related to diet and those women who use more meat and dairy products in their nutrition have greater tendency to form cysts. It is therefore recommended to alter one's diet if cysts are present, and introduce more vegetarian habits during treatment. Herbal treatment is used to re-balance the hormones connected with menstrual cycle and thus speed up the withdrawal of ovarian cysts.
Herbs that are to be used during the treatment are proscribed by a qualified herbalist upon consultation, and physician should be informed of undertaking of any herbal therapy. Effect of herbal treatment is not immediate, so it should last for at least three weeks, while treatment of six weeks or more is preferred. Beside herbs that restore hormonal balance, plants that help cleanse the liver and restore vitality are also used in the therapy.
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