A cataract is a condition that occurs when the eye lens become opaque. When this occurs, the person’s vision is blurred, since the condition of the lens seriously interferes with vision capabilities.
When a cataract occurs, the softness and transparency of the lens, which are the both essential to good vision, are lost and the lens becomes very hard and dry.
Because of this, light rays can no longer pass through the eye lens and reach the retina.
The condition never sets in completely at once, it takes some time, and it goes through several stages. In the first stages, only a slight cloudiness in vision will be noticeable, but once time passes, the lens gets increasingly opaque and this can lead to total blindness if left untreated.
The major reasons for cataracts occurring include aging and a lack of eye care.
Thankfully, with today’s technology, cataracts are very easy to be treated, and all lost vision can be regained fully.
There are home remedies that can help with cataracts if a person does not have the money or is not sure about surgical treatments that are offered.
Taking fennel seeds and coriander seeds in equal measures and adding some brown sugar to the mix will create nice concoction for treating cataracts.
Another good remedy is taking six almonds and black peppers that have been ground finely. Scan the mixture through a course sieve and then add sugar. Taking a teaspoon of this every morning and evening will work wonders for cataracts.
Ten grams of white pepper and fifty grams of almonds should be ground thoroughly and then combined with forty grams of brown sugar and ten grams of ghee. Twenty grams of the mixture should be taken at a time to prevent cataracts.
Cow’s milk is also very good for all kinds of eye-related problems. Drinking two glasses a day should improve the vision significantly.
The extracted juice of an onion and some pure honey in a quantity of 10 milliliters can help as well. It is good to add some camphor to the mixture and to grind it into a fine paste that should be applied on top of the eyes every night before going to bed. Even though it seems strange, it is a very helpful remedy.
Carrot, spinach and Indian gooseberry juice extracts made into a soup will also be beneficial for eye troubles.
The best food to eat for good eyesight is carrots. Eat them raw, cook them in soups, drink their juice and put them in salads. Eat carrots whenever it is possible should be advised to all people, because they work wonders on strengthening eye muscles.
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