If you are thinking thatnails are not living part of your body, you are wrong, because they are veryalive. They grow and they can even have medical problems. Our toes are verysensitive and the nails are functioning as their protection. Nails are aliveand important as any other part of our body, and they can get infected. Whenthis occurs, we may experience pain. The problems with nail infection areusually a result of split nails, ingrown nails, and separated nails; in general,they are result of any kind of nail injury. Epidermis is the layer which isfound under the nails, but people mostly think that nails are somethingdifferent when compared to the epidermis. This is not true. Nails are just thehard part of this layer. The nails are just the top layer of the epidermis. Theelement which is the base of nails is the keratin, and it helps our nails to bestrong enough to be used for scratching and for the protection in general. Theitems which cause problems are bacteria, viruses and fungi, and they can befound in everyone’s body. When infection occurs, people will experienceswelling, pain, redness and irritation, while, in some cases, tissue which iswarm and pus may be experienced as well. Like any other infection, this one hasto be treated, since otherwise, some serious consequences are possible. If youhave some of these problems, seek medical attention immediately. No symptom istoo insignificant to be treated.
Side effectsDeveloping skin infectionis possible while performing chemotherapy. If you do not want this to happen,use hand cream, keep the best nail hygiene possible, use soaps which are mildand chemical free, don't put nails in water for too long, avoid artificialnails and never bite the nails. Chemotherapy can make you more susceptible toinfections such as nail infection. Nails may fall off, or become breakable, bruised,or dry after chemotherapy. Tissue and immune system will become weaker and when you become more prone to infections. Some of the infections includes fungalinfection, which usually occurs on the big toe and makes the nails thick andflake, yeast, which makes the nails yellow, paronychia, in case of which rednessand inflammation are produced under the nail. For the treatment, you can usediluted tea tree oil. For fungal infection, terbinafine or itraconazole is prescribed.Nails will get healthy after four weeks. Ciclopirox will be used for 52 times,for mild infections. This treatment will take one year. If the case isextremely serious, the nail will be removed. For bacterial infections,antibiotics are prescribed or soaking nails in warm water may also be recommended.
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