We will talk about a problem that probably most of people are not familiar with it, or haven’t even heard about it. The text will focus on the presence of mold inthe food. Most people have never even heard that mold can be found in food, butit can. The mold can be consumed and due to this, many allergic reactions may beexperienced. But food is not the only way in which mold can enter a human body. Apartfrom the food, mold can be located on the ground and in the air. The strangestway of contaminating the human body with mold is surely via food. The fungi family is where mold comes from and it is different from other lifetypes because of their breading. Spores are seeds mold has and they cantravel via air, and in this way, people can inhale them, and they will then enterthe body. They travel around until someone inhales them and then causeallergic reaction. Visit to the doctor is needed if the allergic reaction is aresult of a mold in the system. Treatment for this problem must be conducted, but also know that allergy problem may be present if allergic symptoms arepresent as well. The problems associated with allergy are sneezing, breathingproblems, sore eyes and breath shortness.
The most common way of contaminating your body with mild is via air, but we canconsume food that has mold as well. The mold may be there due to the processof the production that uses mold. These foods should be avoided if there is aproblem with allergic reaction present. One of the foods that include the moldin their production process is soy sauce. This is one of the foods that cancause allergic reactions.Also, some foods may have mold, but the mold is not used in the process ofproduction. Such foods are sorghum, soy, wheat, corn and peanuts and they have analfatoxin mold. This type of mold can cause allergic reactions as well. Also,few types of cheese, few grain types, beer, smoked meat, melons, berries andmushrooms are foods that may cause allergic reaction.Mold may be located in blue cheese and this food should be avoided if you havea problem with allergies. If you are having a reaction due to the consumedfood, first stop eating it and see a doctor. Test will be conducted which willdetermine if food with mold is to be blamed on for the allergic reaction. In order to avoid allergic reactions, try to avoid foods that may contain it andit may not be a bad idea to note them down. Also do a test that willdetermine which foods you should not eat.
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